Amalia Caputo “mutatis mutandis” opens Dec 6

Available Space presents mutatis mutandis by Amalia Caputo. On view from Dec 6 through Dec 28, 2018.

Opening reception Thursday Dec 6, 9am – 12pm, coinciding with ArtBasel Miami Beach Studio Visit.


ATLAS III, mutatis, mutandis, 2017-18 (work in progress)

mutatis mutandis is a  large-scale photo-based installation derived from a collection of images (some created by the artist and others gathered from diverse sources) grouped into several contexts, among them: art history, the body, language, home, landscape, war/conflict zones, and memory.

The installation at Available Space is both a model and a work in progress. It comes out of  Caputo’s research into the process of memory, the changing nature of photography and the construction of printed visual archives.

Emulating an encyclopedic space, it refers to image streams we encounter in our daily lives – the ephemeral digital experience and the embodied physical photo mounted to a wall.

Both words are participles of the Latin verb mutare (“to move; to change; to exchange”), which functions both as a future passive participle (“to be changed; going to be changed”) and as a verbal adjective or noun expressing necessity (“things needing to be changed”).